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HBCU Alum Testimonials

I wouldn't trade attending an HBCU for anything. It nourished me, strengthened my sense of identity, and gave me full, lasting friendships. I couldn't have had the same education I received at Southern at a PWI. I'd have always felt like something was missing in my life.

- Denisia Hammond, Southern University Alumna

I have some of the best brothers that I met via Morehouse.

- Jason Whitaker, Morehouse College Alumnus

Attending an HBCU prepared me for the unspoken rules of life. It allowed me to recognize passive aggressive behavior. iIt taught me how to maneuver networking bias. It taught me to consider options the male and majority counterparts didn't have to consider.

- Kim Matchett, Spelman College Alumna

I loved every moment of attending the MIGHTY KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY!! Every good time, bad time, tear and smile is one that I remember to this day. The friends I’ve made, networking opportunities and awesome experiences I’ve witness will always be appreciated because without them I am not who I am today.

- Ryan Montgomery, Kentucky State University Alumnus

Calling all HBCU Alums! We Need to Hear From You!

If you are an HBCU Alum, we want to hear about your HBCU experiences! Please complete the survey, and we'd LOVE to feature you on our website!


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